2009 is about to end and a brand-new year is coming to give us a chance to do everything we couldn't do this year. That's the best of this holiday - we feel completely renewed with the twelve stroke of midnight on December 31st.
Other thing that I love about this time of the year are the Retrospectives. Sports, politics, celebrity lives. Every event brought back to memory in order to make us think about we have done and what we should learn about it.
The video below is a humorous way to retell the most important events of the year through the eyes of the Americans.
dezembro 30, 2009
dezembro 19, 2009
dezembro 05, 2009
A Hora e a Vez dos Fans
Como a Cultura da Convergência mudou a atitude dos Consumidores Fruidores de Obras
Lendo o livro “A Cultura da Convergência”, do Prof. Henry Jenkins, me lembrei do sentimento de impotência que costumava experimentar, quando em minha adolescência - e isso já faz um bom par de décadas, assistia a algum filme ou lia um romance e o final da história não era bem o que eu esperava. Mas eu não me dava por satisfeita e criava finais alternativos (mesmo que só na minha imaginação) para as histórias que assistia ou lia.
Pierre Lévy escrevendo sobre Interatividade em Cibercultura (1999) diz que o receptor nunca é passivo, e eu, já nos idos anos 70 e 80, demonstrava minha interatividade com as histórias que lia ou assistia criando minhas próprias versões imaginárias. Essa interatividade, cada vez mais presente no que Jenkins chama de Cultura da Convergência, permite que o receptor se transforme em consumidor-fruidor, aquele que se apropria de uma obra, alterando sua narrativa, atribuindo-lhe características de acordo com suas experiências com o intuito de preencher lacunas (propositais) no enredo e obter uma compreensão total da história.
Com o advento das mídias convergentes, os consumidores-fruidores avançaram ao nível de consumidores-fruidores-produtores. Segundo Jenkins "a convergência representa uma transformação cultural à medida em que os consumidores são incentivados a procurar novas informações e fazer conexões em meio a conteúdos midiáticos dispersos", essa transformação cultural pode ser representada pelas brincadeiras, e trabalhos sérios, que os consumidores-fruidores-produtores disponibilizam na rede mundial de computadores.
Vejamos alguns exemplos:Com o advento das mídias convergentes, os consumidores-fruidores avançaram ao nível de consumidores-fruidores-produtores. Segundo Jenkins "a convergência representa uma transformação cultural à medida em que os consumidores são incentivados a procurar novas informações e fazer conexões em meio a conteúdos midiáticos dispersos", essa transformação cultural pode ser representada pelas brincadeiras, e trabalhos sérios, que os consumidores-fruidores-produtores disponibilizam na rede mundial de computadores.

O filme, exclusivo para a net, The Hunt for Gollum (algo como “a caçada de Gollum”) foi criado por fãs da trilogia Senhor dos Anéis com um orçamento baixíssimo porém com ótima qualidade.
Para quem conhece a história lembra que Gandalf deixou Frodo tomando conta do Anel logo depois de Bilbo ir embora. E depois voltou para começar a aventura toda. No primeiro filme, A Sociedade do Anel, essa ida-e-volta foi bem rapidinha… mas na historia do livro levou 12 anos … e durante esse tempo eles ficaram caçando Gollum para evitar que ele fosse pego por Sauron e deletasse que o Anel estava no condado … é justamente essa caçada que os fãs contam em The Hunt for Gollum. Se estiver interessado poderá assistir a versão legendada do filme aqui. Aproveite!

Nem os próprios fruidores-produtores escapam à interatividade criativa do público da era da convergência. Um exemplo é o vídeo campeão de acessos no You Tube no início do ano David After Dentist.
O video recebeu inúmeras e bem humoradas versões como:
Encerro minhas considerações com as palavras do próprio Jenkins: "Bem-vindo à Cultura da Convergência, onde as velhas e novas mídias colidem, onde o público e as corporações da mídia cruzam-se, onde o poder dos produtores e dos consumidores da mída interagem em um caminho imprevisível. A cultura da convergência é o futuro, mas está sendo moldada no presente. Consumidores serão mais poderosos em uma cultura da convergência, mas somente se reconhecerem e usarem seu poder tanto como consumidores quanto como cidadãos, como participantes plenos de nossa cultura".
novembro 29, 2009
Do Pony Express ao e-mail
Um blogueiro, especializado em Tecnologia da Informação, certa feita afirmou: A web 2.0 nasceu com a morte do Pony Express.

Mudou a nossa relação com o tempo.
Somos a geração do "não tenho tempo a perder"
mas perdemos tanto!...
Perca um tempinho e veja o video
Para encerrar nossas divagações sobre esse hábito perdido,
Fernando Pessoa fala das cartas de amor, na voz de Maria Betania.
novembro 22, 2009
Links, hipertextos e outras parafernálias
No princípio havia as paredes das cavernas onde o homem primitivo desenhava suas mensagens. Posteriormente a humanidade descobriu formas mais rápidas de registro de sua passagem pelo mundo, como as placas de barro dos Sumérios e Mesopotâmicos, o papiro dos Egípcios, o pergaminho de tantas culturas.
A cada estágio do desenvolvimento dos sistemas de comunicação uma revolução!
Já pensou o frenesi que tomou conta da comunidade intelectual da antiguidade quando um “nerd” Sumério apresentou a parede de caverna portátil – uma placa de argila!!!. Seria ele um antepassado de Bill Gates?
Coitados dos animais!! Serão massacrados só para satisfazer os devaneios de comunicação imediata dos sábios!! Diriam os grupos extremistas gregos, hebreus e romanos contra a utilização dos pergaminhos desenvolvidos a partir do couro dos pobres quadrúpedes.
Com a revolução tecnológica não foi diferente. Tão logo apareceu a www e os alarmistas de plantão já se moviam fazendo associações com o apocalípse. Hipertexto! Meu Deus, isso é coisa do demo! Para que servem os
se não para nos enredar por caminhos escusos, nos prender numa teia de informação da qual não conseguiremos sair e muito menos chegar a uma conclusão em nossa leitura, o que eles querem é nos fazer
nos transformar em zumbis da informação.
Mas o que isso tem a ver comigo e minha experiência na web?
Não! Eu não sou como o Raul Seixas que nasceu há dez mil anos atrás
Não vivenciei as evoluções... não vivi todas a revoluções.
Minha relação com o computador é relativamente nova.
Conhecia de ouvir falar.
A primeira vez que sentei à frente de um teclado e coloquei minha mão em um mouse...
Meu Deus! Eu sou canhota! Como é que vou mexer nesse troço... e ele vai me obedecer?
Que coisinha mais chata o tal de cursor... isso parece ter vida própria... e o que é pior...
o danado é desobediente!!
Graças a Deus o tempo passou!
Nada como o tempo para por as coisas no lugar!
Hoje, quem me vê... me compra como uma expert.
Ledo engano... sou apenas uma curiosa!
Não tenho medo de experimentar.
Caminho como uma bandeirante
desbravando links, explorando hipertextos
experimentando toda a parafernália
que faz parte deste admiravel mundo novo
que nos seduz, cativa, e por que não dizer...
nos torna (vez ou outra) zumbis da informação.
novembro 13, 2009
The Art of Interface
In the abstract of Steven Johnson’s Interface Culture the Publisher wrote:
“Steven Johnson bridges the gap that yawns between technology and the arts. Drawing on his own expertise in the humanities and on the Web, he not only demonstrates how interfaces - those buttons, graphics, and words on the screen through which we control information - influence our daily lives, but also tracks their roots back to Victorian novels, early cinema, and even medieval urban planning. The result is a lush cultural and historical tableau in which today's interfaces take their rightful place in the lineage of artistic innovation. With Interface Culture, Johnson brilliantly charts the vital role interface design plays in modern society”.
As a task of my Specialization Course at UFMG, I will be posting, for the next few weeks, my researches and discoveries in the field of Technology, Culture and Socialization.
This week’s task is, based on Johnson’s comments on the chapter “windows”, to analyze a website’s interface design. What typical interface devices can be noticed?
So, with the purpose of this blog in mind I invite you to come with me: Let’s surf and learn a bit more about website interfaces.
Na página inicial podemos notar os elementos típicos de uma webpage: o cabeçalho, o menu à esquerda e outro à direita com links para programas da prefeitura, clicando nesses links, janelas se abrirão para os sites específicos de cada programa. Clicando, ainda à direita, em mapa do site poderemos perceber o clássico frame, com sua barra de rolagem que nos permite ler todo o conteudo do frame sem que o restante da página se altere. Nota-se que o problema inicial, apontado por Johnson, do conteúdo empurrando o cabeçalho ou banner de propaganda para fora da tela, já não existe mais.
Click para o link
Como pudemos observar, desde o lançamento de Cultura e Interface em 1997 (poucos anos na cronologia real, possivelmente meio século, na supersônica contagem de tempo da tecnologia) muita coisa mudou.
Se Johnson apresentava os frames como um recurso pronto a orientar o navegante perdido no desorientador espaço-informação pois, "sempre encontraríamos uma barra de ferramentas com opções no pé da tela caso nos perdêssemos", hoje se procurarmos dicas para a implementação de uma webpage, certamente nos dirão: Evite os frames!
Embora o uso de frames tenha sido uma boa idéa no início, internet e HTML se modificaram e hoje não há muita razão, ou talvez nenhuma, dizem os especialistas de plantão, para utilizarmos os frames, e listam as desvantagens:
1. Os robôs de busca terão dificuldade em indexar seu website, e ficar invisível é a última coisa que queremos.
2. Há hoje em dia alternativas melhores como o Dynamic Coding por exemplo.
3. As conecções de internet hoje em dia são bem mais rápidas além de haver possibilidades de codificação das webpages de modo a torná-las mais leves.
Web designers tem optado pelo uso do flash. Acredita-se que os websites que são visualmente agradáveis são capazes de atrair os usuários. Porém, dizem os críticos, o uso excessivo de gráficos traz algumas desvantagens como: tempo de carregamento, tornam-se cansativos com o tempo, são invisíveis aos mecanismos de busca.
Buscando um exemplo de website que utiliza o mecanismo flash encontrei o site da produtora alemã WM Team. Com uma interface inovadora, uma historinha muito interessante e um acabamento gráfico excepcional, a produtora se apresenta como uma empreiteira, com seus obreiros cheios de atividades pesadas, betoneira, caminhão, esteira, eletroímã... Apesar de sempre pular as introduções de sites, recomendo assistir a esta por completo, vale à pena!
O site é todo em alemão mas as animações e gráficos darão a você uma boa idéia do objetivo do mesmo. 

Para finalizar volto a palavra ao mestre Steven Johnson: "A interface veio ao mundo sob o manto da eficiência, e está agora emergindo — tal uma crisálida — como forma de arte genuína. Tudo isso em menos de meio século de inovação. Quem pode dizer o que nos espera nos próximos 50 anos?"
novembro 10, 2009
Talents from Every Nation
This was the name of the second Night of Talents at Escola do Futuro GV. This year the students learned a little bit about some nations of the world that have the English as mother tongue or second language. Special features and dances from Fiji Islands, Jamaica, England, The United States and South Africa were presented to a crowd of proud parents who cheered on the talented kids. My second grade students presented a meddley of christian songs sung around the world by the African Children Choir.
outubro 25, 2009
what teachers make
Teaches, oh teachers! What we have to do in our carrer! We must be more than teachers. We must be singers, actors, psychologists, friends, and much more. In the puzzle you'll see me as a doll in a white polka dot dress. Great performance (rsrs)

Now read and warch the poem written and performed with passion by Taylor Mali a high school teacher:
You want to know what I make?
I make kids wonder,
I make them question.
I make them criticize.
I make them apologize and mean it.
I make them write, write, write.
And then I make them read.
I make them spell definitely beautiful, definitely beautiful, definitely beautiful
over and over and over again until they will never misspel
either one of those words again.
I make them show all their work in math.
And hide it on their final drafts in English.
I make them understand that if you got this (brains)
then you follow this (heart) and if someone ever tries to judge you
by what you make, you give them this (the finger).
Let me break it down for you, so you know what I say is true:
I make a goddamn difference! What about you?
Now read and warch the poem written and performed with passion by Taylor Mali a high school teacher:
You want to know what I make?
I make kids wonder,
I make them question.
I make them criticize.
I make them apologize and mean it.
I make them write, write, write.
And then I make them read.
I make them spell definitely beautiful, definitely beautiful, definitely beautiful
over and over and over again until they will never misspel
either one of those words again.
I make them show all their work in math.
And hide it on their final drafts in English.
I make them understand that if you got this (brains)
then you follow this (heart) and if someone ever tries to judge you
by what you make, you give them this (the finger).
Let me break it down for you, so you know what I say is true:
I make a goddamn difference! What about you?
A new magazine has been launched
Educação, Literatura & e-Learning. Esse é o nome da nova revista eletronica que circula na rede a partir de hoje. O título condiz com o propósito da revista. Educação, Literatura & e-Learning é uma revista bilíngue desenvolvida para ser uma ferramenta para ajudar professores e alunos a desenvolver o letramento em todo tipo de suporte. Se você é professor, vai encontrar reflexões sobre cada um dos tópicos que compõem o título da publicação. Se é aluno, interessado na aprendizagem, seja de Inglês, quanto Português ou Literatura também ficará satisfeito com o conteúdo. Além de uma pitada de humor, pois todos merecemos uma pausa para relaxar.
Então, só nos resta desejar uma boa leitura.
As Editoras.
Márcia Abreu & Claudia Murtaoutubro 21, 2009
If the foolish call them "flowers"
outubro 20, 2009
Let's Play and Learn
Kids love to play. That's a fact. Modern kids love playing on computers. Modern teachers must be aware of that and use web tools to improve their teaching methods and catch kids attention to the lesson. Here's an exemple of a game for young learners.
outubro 10, 2009
Improving your English through Podcasting
Podcasting is especially interesting for English learners as it provides a means for students to get access to "authentic" listening sources about almost any subject they may interest them. Teachers can take advantage of podcasts as a basis for listening comprehension exercises, as a means of generating conversation based on students' reaction to podcasts, and as a way of providing each and every student diverse listening materials. Students will obviously find the ability to listen to these podcasts useful especially due to its portability. Teachers can use Ready‐made podcasts from the Internet or create their own.
"Imagine!!" is an example of a own creation podcast. The students participated in the process and they could listen to their speaking (in this specific case - singing) and learn on what they must improve their pronunciation.

"Moving" is an example of a ready-made one from podcastinginenglish.com. While listening to the poscast, students can read the transcript and do the activities.
Transcript:abra o link numa outra janela,assim você poderá ouvir a entrevista enquanto lê o roteiro.
Worksheet (with answers):
Vocabulary worksheet :
"Imagine!!" is an example of a own creation podcast. The students participated in the process and they could listen to their speaking (in this specific case - singing) and learn on what they must improve their pronunciation.
"Moving" is an example of a ready-made one from podcastinginenglish.com. While listening to the poscast, students can read the transcript and do the activities.
Transcript:abra o link numa outra janela,assim você poderá ouvir a entrevista enquanto lê o roteiro.
Worksheet (with answers):
Vocabulary worksheet :
outubro 06, 2009
Comics: learning and having fun
Are you looking for a way to motivate reluctant readers, engage urban youth, develop the comprehension skills of second-language learners, or teach visual literacy to elementary level students? Have you considered comics? That's right, comics! More and more teachers are finding that once-maligned comics, and their big brothers graphic novels, can be effective tools for teaching a multitude of literacy skills to students with a variety of learning needs.
According to Stephen Cary, a second language learner specialist and author of Going Graphic: Comics at Work in the Multilingual Classroom, "Comics provide authentic language learning opportunities for all students….The dramatically reduced text of many comics make them manageable and language profitable for even beginning level readers."
The following comic was made by my second grade students (7 years old)using the software Pixton. They loved to play with the characters, and then creating the text became easy. This was the first step, at the second part of the lesson they were asked to reproduce the story in a text.
My artist's names are: Samuel Carvalho, Mariana Terra, Rebeca Andrade, Milla Barra, Douglas Sá. Enjoy their work:
Pass the mouse over the picture and ckick on the arrow to roll the strip.
According to Stephen Cary, a second language learner specialist and author of Going Graphic: Comics at Work in the Multilingual Classroom, "Comics provide authentic language learning opportunities for all students….The dramatically reduced text of many comics make them manageable and language profitable for even beginning level readers."
The following comic was made by my second grade students (7 years old)using the software Pixton. They loved to play with the characters, and then creating the text became easy. This was the first step, at the second part of the lesson they were asked to reproduce the story in a text.
My artist's names are: Samuel Carvalho, Mariana Terra, Rebeca Andrade, Milla Barra, Douglas Sá. Enjoy their work:
Pass the mouse over the picture and ckick on the arrow to roll the strip.
outubro 02, 2009
Congratulations Rio, congratulations Brazil!!
Rio to stage 2016 Olympic Games
From BBC sports
Brazil will become the first South American country to host the Olympics after the city of Rio de Janeiro was chosen to stage the 2016 Games.
Rio won a majority of the 95 votes at the meeting in Copenhagen, eliminating Madrid in the final round. Tokyo and Chicago had already been knocked out.
"The world has recognised that the time has come for Brazil," said President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.
Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva went to the Danish capital, Copenhagen, to persuade the International Olympic Committee to pick the city as the host of the 2016 Olympic Games.
Here are some excerpts from his address:
"Our time has come. Among the 10 largest economies in the world, Brazil is the only country that has never hosted the Olympic and Paralympic Games.
"Among the countries that are now competing, we are the only ones that never had this opportunity. For us, this will not just be an Olympic Games. For us, it will be the opportunity to be equal.
"The doors of Brazil are open for the biggest party of humanity: the Olympic and Paralympic Games of Rio, one of the most beautiful and welcoming cities in the whole world. We need your support and vision for the future. Rio is ready.
"If you give us this opportunity, you will not regret it. And you can be sure that the games in Rio will be unforgettable, because they will be full of the passion, happiness and creativity of the Brazilian people.
"For South America, it will be a magical moment. For the Olympic movement, an opportunity to feel the warmth of our people, the exuberance of our culture, the sun of our happiness.
"And to send a clear message to the world: the Olympic Games belong to all people, to all continents, to the entire humanity.
"Looking at the five rings of the Olympic symbol, I see my country in them: a Brazil of men and women from all continents - Americans, Europeans, Africans, Asians, all proud of their origins and prouder of feeling Brazilian."
Well, congratulations Cariocas and Brazilians! Let's celebrate, let's party!
But don't forget: we have 7 years to get ready for this challenge.
Let's get prepared to welcome people from all over the world.
Let's study! Let's learn languages, specially English. We may think: we have time... but time goes fast, so LET'S GET READY!!
setembro 30, 2009
The Decade's Worst Movies
Are you a movie fan? Do you like to read those lists made by magazines or websites ranking the movies or movie stars? Here's another one of those lists: The worst movies of this decade.

Check out the whole list and see if you agree with the critics: worst_of_the_worst/
setembro 28, 2009
Learning through videos - Friends
Learn english through videos is funny and effective. The Sitcoms are an important tool to help teachers in their lessons due to their colloquial language. The use of subtitles in English makes the viewing of the episodes much more enjoyable.
He's a snippet from Friends, a very popular sitcom. The snippet could be used in a lesson about the environment and recycling.
He's a snippet from Friends, a very popular sitcom. The snippet could be used in a lesson about the environment and recycling.
setembro 23, 2009
Yeah! Phonetics is good!
Quem já procurou ler aqueles símbolos estranhos que encontramos nos dicionários. Aqueles mesmos que veem entre chaves logo depois do verbete? Quase ninguém, não é mesmo? Mas vocês sabiam que esses símbolos são um grande aliado na aquisição de uma boa pronúncia na língua?
To have a perfect pronunciation in English it is very important to understand the mechanic of each sound. If we undertand this and also learn the phonetic symbol for each letter we'll certainly improve our pronunciation.
Check this link and learn a bit more about the sounds of English:
To have a perfect pronunciation in English it is very important to understand the mechanic of each sound. If we undertand this and also learn the phonetic symbol for each letter we'll certainly improve our pronunciation.
Check this link and learn a bit more about the sounds of English:
setembro 21, 2009
Learning through music
Aprender inglês através de músicas é eficiente e divertido. Ouvir a música acompanhando a letra é um bom exercício de aprendizagem. Que tal começar com este sucesso do Coldplay?
Listen to the song, read the lyrics and know a bit more about the lyrics:

Viva La Vida - ColdPlay
I used to rule the world
Seas would rise when I gave the word
Now in the morning I sweep alone
Sweep the streets I used to own
I used to roll the dice
Feel the fear in my enemy's eyes
Listen as the crowd would sing:
"Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!"
One minute I held the key
Next the walls were closed on me
And I discovered that my castles stand
Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand
I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing
Roman Cavalry choirs are singing
Be my mirror my sword and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field
For some reason I can't explain
Once you go there was never,
never an honest word
That was when I ruled the world
It was the wicked and wild wind
Blew down the doors to let me in
Shattered windows and the sound of drums
People couldn't believe what I'd become
Revolutionaries wait
For my head on a silver plate
Just a puppet on a lonely string
Oh who would ever want to be king?
I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing
Roman Cavalry choirs are singing
Be my mirror my sword and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field
For some reason I can't explain
I know Saint Peter won’t call my name
Never an honest word
But that was when I ruled the world
(Ohhhhh Ohhh Ohhh)
I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing
Roman Cavalry choirs are singing
Be my mirror my sword and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field
For some reason I can't explain
I know Saint Peter won’t call my name
Never an honest word
But that was when I ruled the world
Oooooh Oooooh Oooooh
Song’s meaning
This song is about losing everything and becoming a nobody, but soon realizing that being rich (king) isn't everything. Basically, living life in nobility isn't as good as just living.
Bassist Guy Berryman explained:” It’s a story about a king who lost his kingdom, and the entire album's artwork is based on the idea of revolutionaries and guerrillas. There's this slightly anti-authoritarian viewpoint that's crept into some of the lyrics.
Chris Martin about the lyric on this song said: "I know Saint Peter won't call my name:… You're not on the list. I was a naughty boy. It's always fascinated me that idea of finishing your life and then being analyzed on it. And it's that runs through most religions. That's why people blow up buildings. Because they think they're going to get lots of virgins. Drummer Will Champion says: the tracks on the album share a theme of "trying to remember what's important in your life, rather than being carried away by the trappings of other things."
Listen to the song, read the lyrics and know a bit more about the lyrics:

Viva La Vida - ColdPlay
I used to rule the world
Seas would rise when I gave the word
Now in the morning I sweep alone
Sweep the streets I used to own
I used to roll the dice
Feel the fear in my enemy's eyes
Listen as the crowd would sing:
"Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!"
One minute I held the key
Next the walls were closed on me
And I discovered that my castles stand
Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand
I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing
Roman Cavalry choirs are singing
Be my mirror my sword and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field
For some reason I can't explain
Once you go there was never,
never an honest word
That was when I ruled the world
It was the wicked and wild wind
Blew down the doors to let me in
Shattered windows and the sound of drums
People couldn't believe what I'd become
Revolutionaries wait
For my head on a silver plate
Just a puppet on a lonely string
Oh who would ever want to be king?
I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing
Roman Cavalry choirs are singing
Be my mirror my sword and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field
For some reason I can't explain
I know Saint Peter won’t call my name
Never an honest word
But that was when I ruled the world
(Ohhhhh Ohhh Ohhh)
I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing
Roman Cavalry choirs are singing
Be my mirror my sword and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field
For some reason I can't explain
I know Saint Peter won’t call my name
Never an honest word
But that was when I ruled the world
Oooooh Oooooh Oooooh
Song’s meaning
This song is about losing everything and becoming a nobody, but soon realizing that being rich (king) isn't everything. Basically, living life in nobility isn't as good as just living.
Bassist Guy Berryman explained:” It’s a story about a king who lost his kingdom, and the entire album's artwork is based on the idea of revolutionaries and guerrillas. There's this slightly anti-authoritarian viewpoint that's crept into some of the lyrics.
Chris Martin about the lyric on this song said: "I know Saint Peter won't call my name:… You're not on the list. I was a naughty boy. It's always fascinated me that idea of finishing your life and then being analyzed on it. And it's that runs through most religions. That's why people blow up buildings. Because they think they're going to get lots of virgins. Drummer Will Champion says: the tracks on the album share a theme of "trying to remember what's important in your life, rather than being carried away by the trappings of other things."
setembro 19, 2009
Surf... we must!!

Here I am... toddling through this new journey. I'm a blogger now!
The internet is part of our lives. It is our neighbour, our friend...
A counselor that gives us good... and not so good advices.
A counselor that gives us good... and not so good advices.
A master that teaches us everything we want to know.
But what do we want to know?
What do you want to know?
Knowledge is ahead of us.
So... let's surf...
Let's learn!
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